This handmade air-core Very Low Frequency and Low Frequency Loading Coil is made of copper wire and plastic. High Q. 6.104 mH at 10 KHz. Supplied with VLF impedance charts. Operates at 1000 Hz to 775 KHz. Test Resonance Frequency 775 KHz for 50 ohms impedance. Will generate 1000’s of volts of radio energy when driven at the resonance frequency or a multiple thereof by just few watts of RF. Will match 50 ohms and other values if desired at resonance. Tune wire antennas to LF and VLF by placing ferrite rods inside unit, or use tuning capacitors. 26 DC ohms of copper wire. 24 inches long. Coated with glue to keep Wire tight. Not waterproof, you will need to fully varnish it if used outside in the rain. Can be used to boost signals in the VLF and LF bands. Also works in the lower MF band. Place an iron core through the center to hear VLF tweeks and whistlers at 1.7 to 6 KHz. Will also detect whistlers and tweeks without a core. Tunes to 9.49 KHz , VLF when an 0.047 uF capacitor is placed in parallel. Bi-Directional pickup. Omni directional pickup when connected to a vertical whip antenna of 102 inches or longer. Also works with random long wire antennas. Made in USA.