The NorthWest Antennas G5RV antenna is known for its quality and rugged build, t hese antennas will last in the harsh weather elements, a few reviews can be found on e-Ham. NW Antennas sold hundreds of antennas on eBay under their old username however have been temporarily "off the air" they are now back it. This G5RV is a full Size 102` HF antenna covering 80m to 10m HF amateur bands. This HF antenna is built using flexible insulated #14 (insulation color may vary) for antenna elements, 450-ohm 34.8` ladder line is installed into a molded ladder line housing, strong installed insulators and a watertight rubber sealed housing with a SO-239 connector. Basic instructions and heat shrink will also be included for the SO239 connection. This is a perfect antenna for ham radio enthusiasts looking to get on the air with minimal effort. Thanks for looking!