DX Engineering Receiver Guard Electronic RF Limiters DX Engineering Receiver Guard RG5000HD Electronic RF Limiters are the best choice of inline devices to protect your receiver antenna inputs. The Receiver Guard is a receive antenna input limiter specifically designed to protect a sensitive receiver front-end against high levels of RF and potential damage. At the heart of each Receiver Guard is a highly effective electronic RF limiter covering 500 kHz to 150 MHz with an insertion loss under 0.15 dB up to 50 MHz and under 0.30 dB up to 150 MHz. The multi-stage design includes a gas discharge tube for maximum pulse energy protection. The DXE-RG5000HD rejects 10 watts of catastrophic receive antenna feedline RF while passing a maximum signal of about 87 dB over S-9, which is only 25 mw, a signal level that is well below the point of front end damage.