Broad band stainless steel base antenna 25-1300 MHz. Transmit bands 26-27-46-49-72-144-220-440-900-1290 MHz. Wide band reception covering 25-1300 MHz. Max power 300W CB, 200W VHF/UHF 6 lower radials 32", 2 lower radials 48-52" adjustable 8 upper radials 10 1/2" Top whip length 55" Rust free all stainless steel structure SWR 1.5:1 max 1 3/8" (35mm) maximum mast diameter UHF (SO239) connector Assembly Instructions: Insert the 8 11" horizontal elements with black tips into the upper radial hub and tighten. Insert 2 33" both side threaded radials into lower 45 degree hub 180 degrees apart on the hub and tighten. Insert the vertical element with coupler and set screw into the base hub and tighten. Insert the upper vertical element with ball into the coupler and tighten. Run coax cable up through 1-1 3/8" OD mast and connect PL259 connector to the antenna, then tighten the antenna hub to the mast. When assembled this antenna is about 6 feet from top to bottom and about 3 ft in diameter. It must be mounted on a mast due to the radials. We combine shipping. Please email or request a revised total from us if the calculated shipping does not look correct!!!