If you have a BuddiStick from Buddipole Antenna, you're going to want to get this I use the BuddiStick out in the field and find it hard at times to find something to hold up the radial end of the antenna. I don't want to get a 3 ft poll and take it with me because it makes this great compact antenna not compact anymore. So when you find that place you want to set up and don't have something to hold up the radial wire and then have to look for a 3ft stick just to hold up the end of the wire in the air at about 3ft. This started with a great idea from Mike K8MRD Every Buddistick Pro Antenna Needs This!! ( This is a little heavier than his model to stay up in a windy area like some of the areas I set up on mountains in the Philippines or just windy areas for your POTA or SOTA. I am also making the version of the Tri Lamb as well, just look for Tri-Lamb here. I talked to Mike K8MRD and he says that is fine since he has not got the time to make them. Questions, please feel free to ask.