Dave's Hobby Shop by W5SWL ... We sell the good stuff ! Antenna Support Rope 1/8" x 50ft Nylon Rope Easy to use for support of your dipole antenna, inverted V or other antennas. Perfect for portable operation in parks or on mountain tops. Better than using more expensive antenna wire for support and much less interactive RF wise compared to using wire for support in close proximity to your antenna wire. Color is white. White color is visible during the day and stands out so there is less trip and fall. Perfect for field day, mountain topping or park operation where you want watchers or other folks to see the support. The breaking strength (tension in which the rope will snap) is rated at 200lbs. The working load (guideline for maximum capacity or load on the rope) is rated at 67lbs. Shock resistant construction absorbs sudden jolts and pulls. The nylon rope design resists tangling, unraveling and shedding. It will hold knots securely and it will float . Intended only for wire antenna supports - these are not rated nor intended for overhead load support or to support a person. Always use caution with things above your head! Quality Products for the More Knowledgeable and Experienced User ! From W5SWL . . (W5SWL location code 1FC)