K5WZ 160m/80m Dual Resonance Broadband Horse Fence Antenna Stainless Steel 1.5 kW PEP at Resonance Broader Bandwidth All Stainless Hardware 15 Stainless Conductor Wires 1.5" Wide Heavy Duty Elements 750lb Breaking Strength Black UV Resistant Polyethylene Easy Deployment & Tuning Weather Resistant Stop compromising your signal strength & band coverage. Get resonant & broad banded on both 160m and 80m without a tuner. No traps & no coils equals an optimum signal both ways. 6,10,12,15,17,20,30,40 and 60 meters play great with a tuner as well. Total Length of 160m Elements: 250' 125' Per Leg Total Length of 80m Elements: 120' 60' Per Leg Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz Para-cord and coax in photo not included. Worldwide Shipping Available K5WZ Antennas are a product of RFLABS.US and are sold exclusively on eBay. Other sites offering K5WZ Antennas are NOT authorized or guaranteed. Made in USA Please use caution when installing antennas. Seller can not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury. Thank You! 73 de K5WZ