
10 thru 40 meter 100 watt efhw hf antenna HOA, POTA, SOTA

$ 36.44

  • Band: HF
  • Brand: Aero
  • Directivity: Omni-Directional
  • Features: Easy installation
  • Model: EF100
  • Number of Inputs: 1
  • Type: Antenna


Each antenna is custom built, tuned, and tested for maximum performance. Ideal for HOA, POTA, SOTA. Employs two T-140 toroids in a unun transformer wound with 18awg copper magnet wire. Stainless steel hardware. Matched for 50 ohm coaxial cable with PL-259 connector. Element is pretuned, aprox. 66'. SWR average aprox. 1.5/1, slightly higher on 10 meters. Weather proof encased circuitry eliminates faulty and corroded connections and components. Unobtrusive element of insulated 14awg stranded copper. Conservatively rated at 100 watts SSB & CW, 70 watts on DIGITAL, intermittant amateur service. Easy installation, try various configurations, many work well. Works well even at heights less than 15 feet and small lots. Operates on 10 15 17 20 & 40 meters with single 50 ohm coaxial transmission line, no antenna switch required. This is probably the best performing multi-band wire antenna I have built and used in the past 50+ years. The performance is surprising considering the bandwidth and appearant low angle of radiation (for dx), even when installed at low heights above ground. For safety purposes keep antennas clear and away from power lines.